张冬海设计作品《彭府中式四合院别墅》荣获2024 美国MUSE设计奖—金奖
摘要:张冬海设计作品《彭府中式四合院别墅》荣获2024 美国MUSE设计奖—金奖
2024 美国MUSE设计奖(MUSE Design Awards)获奖名单揭晓,由张冬海设计师精心打造的全案设计作品《彭府中式四合院别墅》荣获了至高无上的荣誉——金奖。
• 张冬海拥有深厚的专业知识和丰富的实践经验,对室内空间规划、功能布局、色彩搭配、材料选择等方面有着精准的把握,能够根据不同客户的需求和空间特点,创造出既实用又美观的室内设计方案。其作品涵盖了住宅、商业、办公等多个领域,且多次荣获大奖,这无疑是对他专业能力的高度认可。
• 从其创立的中山市名雅装饰设计工程有限公司、中山市富贵名坊装饰设计工程有限公司等企业来看,他不仅在设计领域有着出色的表现,还具备了优秀的企业管理和领导能力,能够带领团队完成各类复杂的设计项目.
• 张冬海始终保持着对创新的热情和敏锐的洞察力,不断探索新的设计理念和方法,将现代科技与传统文化元素巧妙融合,使他的设计作品在满足功能需求的同时,更具文化内涵和艺术价值。
• 他注重细节,追求极致,从每一个线条的勾勒到每一种材料的质感,都力求做到尽善尽美,为客户打造出高品质的室内空间,让客户感受到独特的设计魅力和舒适的居住体验。
• 作为行业的资深人士,张冬海积极参与各类行业活动和交流会议,分享自己的经验和见解,为推动室内装饰设计行业的发展做出了积极贡献。他的设计作品也常常成为行业内的学习典范,引领着行业的发展方向。
• 在与客户的合作中,张冬海始终坚持以客户为中心,充分了解客户的需求和期望,与客户保持密切的沟通和良好的合作关系。他认真对待每一个项目,无论项目大小,都全力以赴,力求让客户满意,因此赢得了客户的广泛赞誉和信赖。
中山融汇装饰设计工程有限公司 | 张冬海
西双版纳聚宝轩建筑装饰工程有限公司创始人 | 设计总监
2020-2021 年荣获华鼎奖年度十佳精品案例奖
2020-2021 年荣获中国建筑装饰行业最具工匠精神设计师
2024年荣获美国 MUSE设计奖一金奖”
项目名称 | 《彭府中式四合院别墅》
主创设计 | 张冬海
2、 Design concept
1. 传承与创新:汲取传统中式建筑和装饰的精髓,如对称布局、雕花工艺等,同时结合现代设计手法和材料,实现传统与现代的完美融合。
2. 自然和谐:引入自然元素,如庭院景观、木质材料等,营造出与自然和谐共生的居住环境。
3. 文化内涵:通过红木家具、传统工艺品等元素的运用,展现深厚的中式文化底蕴。
1. Inheritance and Innovation: Drawing on the essence of traditional Chinese architecture and decoration, such as symmetrical layout and carving techniques, while combining modern design techniques and materials to achieve a perfect fusion of tradition and modernity.
2. Natural harmony: Introducing natural elements such as courtyard landscapes, wooden materials, etc., to create a living environment that harmoniously coexists with nature.
3. Cultural connotation: Through the use of elements such as rosewood furniture and traditional handicrafts, it showcases the profound cultural heritage of Chinese style.
3、 Space layout
Living room: The living room is the core area of the entire villa, with a high-ceilinged design to enhance the openness of the space. The main body is made of mahogany sofas and tea tables, with Chinese carpets and pillows to create a comfortable space for guests. Large windows bring in plenty of natural light, making the entire space brighter and more transparent.
Restaurant: The restaurant is connected to the living room and adopts an open design. Redwood dining tables and chairs paired with chandeliers and tableware create a warm dining atmosphere. A wine cabinet is set up on one side of the restaurant to display the owner's collection and increase the practicality of the space.
Tea room: As a quiet corner of the villa, the tea room aims to provide a space for residents to stay away from the noise, taste the tradition and relax. Based on Chinese style, it combines natural elements and humanistic feelings to create an atmosphere of simplicity, elegance and tranquility.
1. 主色调:以红木色为主色调,体现中式的稳重和高贵。
2. 辅助色调:搭配米白色、灰色、等中性色,增加空间的层次感和柔和感。
3. 点缀色:可适当运用金色、红色等鲜艳的颜色作为点缀,增添空间的活力和喜庆氛围。
1. Main color tone: Redwood is the main color tone, reflecting the stability and nobility of Chinese style.
2. Auxiliary color tones: Paired with neutral colors such as beige, gray, etc., to increase the layering and softness of the space.
3. Decorative colors: Bright colors such as gold and red can be used as embellishments to add vitality and festive atmosphere to the space.
The design of this new Chinese style villa is mainly based on rosewood furniture, perfectly combining traditional Chinese culture with modern life, creating a living space that is both culturally rich and comfortable for the owner. While living, feel the charm of traditional culture and the innovation of modern design. The meticulous design style showcases the unique charm of the new Chinese style through reasonable spatial layout, careful material selection and color matching, and clever lighting design.
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